Binario Blanco

Sisters Ruth de Andrea (winemaker, who studied as a chemist at Sheffield University) and Ana de Andrea (manager) work very closely  – selecting grapes and renting facilities – with the Serrano family who farm more than 70 ha of certified organic, certified biodynamic, estate vineyards located between Calahorra (Rioja Baga) and, just 10k across the DO divide, Andosilla (Navarra).

The vines range from 20-40 years old and are cultivated using organic matter, both made from animal manure and pruned grapevine shoots, following all biodynamic principles and incorporating their homemade infusions and composts. These traditional farming practices help create nitrogen in the soils which lends for healthy regeneration and growth.

The climate is continental, heavily influenced by the Mediterranean; the soils are of limestone, clay and sand.

The 2023 vintage had low yields – due to frost and other weather issues – but a warm harvest time has conferred high quality and concentration to the grapes.

The style is specificaly lighter than other Tempranillo Blancos designed for ageing.

Grapes were hand-picked at night to retain freshness, destemmed and pressed into inox where there is a natural fermentation on the skins for 7-10 days at 17ºC with a further 10 days on the lees. A soft clarification and filtration; the wine is racked with a gentle stabilisation and fining with no additions except the SO2 allowable within Demeter Biodynamic guidelines.

The bottle is presented without a capsule to cut down on waste.

Grape Varieties:
Tempranillo Blanco
Tasting Notes:

A vibrant golden/straw yellow hue. The nose shows citrus and tropical fruit aromas along with aniseed/fennel reminiscent of the vines. The light to medium palate is smooth and silky with a balanced and controlled crispness, citrus being prominent in the aftertaste.

Drink young and fresh.


Biodynamic , Organic Certified , Vegan , Vegetarian

About the Producer


Navarrsotillo, founded by brothers Andres and Ramon Serrano, is fully committed to Organic and Biodynamic agriculture in the DOs of Rioja and Navarra. In 1998 their’s was the second vineyard in Rioja to convert to organic growing.

They now have 70ha of vines in Rioja across 12 plots and 40ha in Navarra where the biggest at 18ha was the first to be bio-dynamic. They’ve found the larger the plots the more effective the treatments,

They make their own Biodynamic preparations (numbering 500) on the farms, as well as the natural compost to their own specifications; thus promoting the self-sufficiency that is intended in this type of agriculture. The dynamization is always carried out in the open air and on the farm itself; and the preparations are applied according to the needs that the vine shows at each moment of its natural cycle.

Throughout the year, the farm is subject to exhaustive and continuous monitoring. The cycle begins in November with an analysis of the land and a careful pruning process. The soils receive, firstly, nitrogen input through the sowing of green manures and, later, organic matter from crushed vine shoots and biodynamic manures that cover the land during the first months of the year.

The treatments for the prevention of pests and diseases are prolonged between the budding of the vine and the middle of August, always following the parameters set by the natural cycles. In addition, throughout the vegetative cycle of the vine, the humidity of the earth is controlled – work that, together with the monitoring of the ripening of the grapes, enables the proper selection of the fruit to obtain the highest quality in their wines.